The team performed well for stating the problem and suggesting the solutions. During the oral presentation, the transitions between speakers were smooth which was mostly due to both the logical sequence of the content and each member’s cooperation. All the members are able to present their section without looking at the cue cards as the result of good preparations and good understandings of the content.
Individual performance:
Compared with oral presentation 1, I think I have some improvements: Though I am still not a practiced speaker, I was more familiar with the content. Instead of kept looking at my cue cards during OP 1, I was more confident to present my section without using reference(but I still brought it with me). My volume was still low but the speed was slower to make myself understood. My pronunciation was still not good, but it was improving.
Some positives during the presentation: The content of my part was related to our problem and carefully analyzed (in my opinion), so I think I led the conclusion with proper explanation. The cohesiveness needs to be improved, but I think my presentation meets the level of logical sequencing of opinions to some extent. In addition, I make use of some reasonable conjunctions (like next, firstly…), which contributes better consistency, but the usage seems stiff. My slides are a little wordy, but it provides enough information for the audience to understand the content.
The negatives are obvious: During Q&A session, Jonathan and Krithika did well to answer each question, but I kept silent all the way and I should have tried to answer questions even my answers were wrong. For the aspect of eye contact, I kept looking at the slides with little eye contact. But I tried to maintain eye contact with the audience while not glancing at the screen. I kept the bad habit of make the annoying sound (like eh, ah…) during my presentation.
There is still a lot for me to improve. One thing is to add more pictures in my slides to make it more interesting, so it will not seem so boring. Next time, I need to do more preparations to be confident and try to get rid of cue cards as well. In addition, I will practice more to be a better speaker and spend more time to enlarge my vocabulary for variety of modes of expression.
In conclusion, I am improving, but more improvements and practice should be done.